Friday, January 4, 2013

Even Then...

Daniel 9:9: "The Lord our God is merciful and forgiving, even though we have rebelled against him;" (NIV)
My lovely ensemble from Bat'n Rouge - raising money for CAP
I don't know about you, but I find a certain joy in rebelling. I am not someone who has rebelled in radical ways, but I definitely march to the beat of my own drum. There's something pleasurable in doing that which is not expected.. If you tell me I can't do something I want to do, it can be so much more enticing.  If you tell me I must do something, it becomes a chore to avoid. Maybe that's why New Years Resolutions fail. We tell ourselves what we are supposed to do to accomplish our goals, but defying that expectation is more fun.

There are other ways that we do our own thang that are definitely not loving towards our fellow human beings or the planet. We all mess up at one time or another, hurting each other in small and large ways. The good news is that no matter how often or in what ways we mess up, there is love, mercy and forgiveness greater than our screw-ups.  We are not defined by our mistakes.  We, ourselves, are not mistakes.  No matter what.

God of grace, Sometimes we hurt other people, sometimes other people hurt us. Help us to remember that your love and mercy are bigger than anything we can do, and that your forgiveness has no limit.  Help us to show your mercy and forgiveness to others, and to ourselves.  Thanks.and Amen.


  1. I can relate in your joy in rebelling...but only in small ways. I was such a good girl in high school, for example. But I like to push the envelope, definitely!!

  2. yeah - I am more of a "little r" rebel, not a "big R" Rebel. I definitely find more joy in defying expectations than in breaking the rules.
